Friday, March 22, 2013

Archimedean Solids

First there was the one from the worksheet made in class:

The Small Rhombicuboctahedron
  •  26 faces:(8 equilateral triangles & 18 squares)
  • 24 vertices
  • 48 edges

And then there my pride and joy that I spent an all nighter on! We were suppose to make another Archimedean Solid, but with a design that would work with it's shape. On the bottom is the net I used to make the shape, from On the right is a mid progress shot. Drawing the net out took more time because I miscalculated the first time I started it. To make the triangles and the pentagons I needed two separate compasses. On the net the radius of the pentagon is a different size to it's side, which is what determines the size for the triangle. 

Polyhedral Structures

We had to practice making shapes with Bristol board with excellent craft. 

The Tetrahedron
  • 4 faces (each face is an equilateral triangle)
  • 4 vertices
  • 6 edges
  • the simplest of platonic solids and yet strongest man made structure.

The Hexahedron (The Cube) 
  • 6 faces (each face is a square, all angles are right angles)
  • 8 vertices
  • 12 edges

The Octahedron
  • 8 faces (each being and equilateral triangle)
  • 6 vertices
  • 12 edges

The Dodecahedron 
  • 12 faces (each regular pentagons)
  • 20 vertices
  • 30 edges

The Icosahedron
  • 20 faces (each an equilateral triangle)
  • 12 vertices
  • 30 edges